The CPU fan is usually engaged for CPU heatsink fan so that your motherboard can stop down when header analysis gets to no Essentially, CPU fan describes a fan repaired over CPU heatsink, whereas CPU Opt is a discretional fan that is appropriate for just big warm sinks When you need to link the primary fan from your CPU radiator, Use CPU fan BIOGRAPHY is mostly primaryThere are two different types of headers on the mobo that relate to water coolers CPU_OPT x1 (water cooler fan header) and SYS_FAN_PUMP x2 (water cooling pump headers)The H115i Pro comes with one cable (a splitter) between both fans and the pump I have it connected to the CPU_OPT fan header (#7) I've read conflicting suggestions online some say to leave themWhat's the difference between CPU FAN socket, CPU OPT socket, and a SYS FAN socket on motherboard?
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